Hopefully you have found your way to a copy of Truth Being Bondage by now. There is an awesome sale happening right now on Amazon.
My target audience is anyone who wouldn’t mind taking a look back and take on the challenge of self-examination to course correct the future. Daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces and mothers are going through. The conversation is almost never had about what they have experienced or how they navigate in the world.
On the other side of that argument sons, brothers, uncles, nephews and fathers also have their suffrages. This book deals with the roles of presumed protectors. Household changes and behaviors to watch out for. I recommend this book for anyone raising a daughter. There are also lessons there for young men.
My future blog post will include some book content. Get ready! See the chapter listing below for Truth Being Bondage.
Truth Being Bondage Chapters
1 Is it me?
2 The Home I Remember
3 We Roll
4 Lifting the Veil
5 A Crack in the Foundation
6 Her Reasoning, His Stress
7 Life Split
8 Protection
9 Heavy Angst
10 Playing the Background
11 Uncovered Memory
12 Who Knew, Who Knows
13 Misinterpretation of Men
14 Life is an Experience, You Must be Present to Live
15 Outlook and Disposition