This story represents a moment in time when you feel 100% carefree. Just having a good time living in the moment. And in an instant, EVERYTHING can change. This excerpt is taken from the chapter ‘Outlook & Disposition’ in Truth Being Bondage by Mo Abbie. Since this book is mainly focused on an early childhood event, it is ironic how this early adulthood event almost instantly turned tragic.



Before I start on my core family. My relationship with my peer cousins, is a special one. I saved my cousins from jumping all at once. This was not intentional. We had gone to a home family gathering in Bolingbrook, IL. After we ate, one of our relatives invited us to hang out at a local park. We drove down to the location. The park was more like a forest preserve.

We were all entering early adulthood. We had a big kid moment. There was at least ten of us. We just took off running and laughing. There was no particular game, just being truly young and free. Then, I looked ahead. Faintly I thought, that looks like an express way sign. It appeared to be below where we were running. I looked again. I yelled, “STOP”! I stood still yelling STOP over and over until everyone stopped. There were no warning signs. No barriers were anywhere to be found. We had no idea that we were even on an elevation. The park had an abrupt cliff where the interstate exchange lay below. Everyone heard the warning. No one was harmed. There is a youthfulness that comes out amongst us anytime we come together. This bond has been a positive key factor in my life.

The present is only pointed into in small doses. Naturally, as memoirs delve into the past. In Truth Being Bondage we touch on present day. The most disheartening thing is I was in my mid 30’s when a repressed memory came back. A horrible memory it was, but it put so much into perspective. I found a whole new understanding of myself.


One simple question from a friend, that I would have normally blown off, helped this entire book writing journey unfold. My friend asked, “why are you still single.” I finally gave the question some thought, I went digging in my mind and I am so grateful. I only wish that I had done so sooner.


This excerpt is from the chapter, “Is It Me?”:

Women have been called out for dating a man’s potential. Consider me guilty of this. It is not just about what you want him to see and manifest. He must see that same potential as a reality within himself.

I decided to take on a self-examination. The question I can’t help but pose to myself, are these guys leaving something out when we break up? Am I being spared some painful truth to protect my feelings? The energy they give is as though they are standing in the way. Almost as if they were blocking the lane for my true mate to arrive. That could be the case.

One last disclaimer before we jump right into it. Don’t get me wrong, outside of one major incident, my childhood and young adult years were amazing. I would never take away from that or try to make things to be other than what they were. There is no need to compare war wounds or minimize what others may have gone through on a continual basis. Everyone has a story to tell. I always knew that I would write someday, but I never knew that I would tell my story. The reality is that my story is somewhat new to me since this major incident this book is focused around happened at such a young age and had been long forgotten. Do children forget sometimes, yes? If they forget, are they not affected, no? The trauma is ingrained. A repressed memory is a memory, nonetheless.


I feel for those who have had it rough throughout life. Let them find a proper outlet to loosen their worries. Experiencing peace and happiness should be desired in your heart, closely followed by your actions. This is my wish for the world.


Why ‘Truth Being Bondage’? Because the truth is said to set you free. When you know the truth but your caretake does not affirm it, you have nowhere else to go but internalize it. This is bondage.


Hopefully you have found your way to a copy of Truth Being Bondage by now. There is an awesome sale happening right now on Amazon.


My target audience is anyone who wouldn’t mind taking a look back and take on the challenge of self-examination to course correct the future. Daughters, sisters, aunts, nieces and mothers are going through. The conversation is almost never had about what they have experienced or how they navigate in the world.


On the other side of that argument sons, brothers, uncles, nephews and fathers also have their suffrages. This book deals with the roles of presumed protectors. Household changes and behaviors to watch out for. I recommend this book for anyone raising a daughter. There are also lessons there for young men.


My future blog post will include some book content. Get ready! See the chapter listing below for Truth Being Bondage.


Truth Being Bondage Chapters


1    Is it me?

2    The Home I Remember

3    We Roll

4    Lifting the Veil

5    A Crack in the Foundation

6   Her Reasoning, His Stress

7    Life Split

8    Protection

9    Heavy Angst

10  Playing the Background

11   Uncovered Memory

12  Who Knew, Who Knows

13  Misinterpretation of Men

14  Life is an Experience, You Must be Present to Live

15  Outlook and Disposition



My memory was so important to this project. How many people actually get the chance to time travel. The opening chapter may grab your attention and hopefully it was not misleading. Taking you from now to then and back again.


I went so far back because that was the time period that needed the most care. Leaving no minor detail untouched. The minor details were key. At what point does life start? When you are young some things don’t count, right? So, it shouldn’t matter, right?  Every part counts. We matter from day one.


Trigger warning** please be aware that there is context in Truth Being Bondage concerning abuse. The event referenced in the text occurred many years ago. Those who know me, I dare them to test my memory with the outlining of details. A selfish act committed one time is still one time too many.


Think about news stories that you hear concerning young children being abused or losing their lives. It’s heavy. A child should not have to fight for their life for something preventable. I was a child who survived a horrific encounter. We all want to say, I turned out alright. For the most part, I did. From a realistic point of view, I also see where I was hindered.


My freedom of expression will speak for me. If you would like to read my story, please pick up the book, Truth Being Bondage by Mo Abbie here

This book almost came into existence under a few other names. Just when I thought I had the name ready, the title of the book chose me. For some reason, I kept hearing what sounded like, ‘Truth be in bondage’. I agreed, ‘sure do’. Growing up with parents originating from the south, it sounded quite alright to me. However, I knew good and well that was so far off and grammatically incorrect. But I just kept hearing it.


I gave in and decided to make Truth be in bondage a chapter, even before I knew exactly what would go in this chapter. These words kept ringing. I knew that it had a greater purpose. Is a chapter even sufficient enough to express these words? Once I broke down the meaning, it basically described the reason overall for the book itself.


Finally the words ‘be’ and ‘in’ came to fuse together to become ‘being’. It made sense and rang together better. That is how I came to title the book ‘Truth Being Bondage’. This was it! I had my final title! Funny enough, the title still may be slightly grammatically incorrect. This quirk creates a curious tone. A person would want to learn more in my opinion.


Take the time to read, share and rate. The more the word spreads about the book the sooner we can open the discussion. Here is another retailer carrying the book Truth Being Bondage: A Memoir, buy here. Thank you for your support.

Immediately after releasing the book I was concerned about how the title and the script on the back of the book would be received, especially by family. In this book my stance on their parentage is neutral. I love and appreciate my parents immensely and I am extremely grateful for them. I had to come back to the realization that it is exactly what it is, a book. Simply, it is reading and not just judging by the cover.


This book takes on a sort of hybrid of writing it is about my life. It mainly focuses on a certain time period and how it affected everything else. It is a ‘who done it’ of sorts. It is a bit of self-help. I got the chance to face any arrested development head on. I was able to travel back in time and analyze the things that required a deeper understanding. Looking at how things played out, I even understand why things were handled the way it was without judging whether it was right or wrong.


Emotional vulnerability is not my forte. There are portions of this book that allowed for that. I tried my best to avoid it to be honest. But I had to be honest with myself to even use the word truth in my title to be open enough allow for some vulnerability. There are also parts that show my personality of being playful and humorous. So if you run across something that reads that way, it is not by accident (I can’t help it).


Most of the book was written in the same order the chapters are displayed. However, heavier topics were written later or when I felt strong enough to face them. The first chapter was actually one of the last chapters I wrote. Which is why the book may have a wrap around effect when you read more into it.


This is inner work. Not only am I releasing, but I am also detaching from anything I no longer need to hold. I encourage the readers to do the same. Click here to order Truth Being Bondage. After reading, please rate and leave a book review.  

We are still on schedule.

After receiving the physical proof copy there is a glaring correction needed for the back cover color font. Should you purchase early you may receive this rare copy. Currently, the passage on the back of the book is printed in my favorite color which is indigo. It shows up fine electronically but hardly readable in certain places without good lighting on the physical copy.


The front cover font shows very well. I made a correction to add that color to the back cover for a complete look.


Here is the Truth Being Bondage: A Memoir, back cover passage:

I could not give you what you wanted. I was not completely whole at the time. The issue was far bigger than you and I.

Imagine constantly tripping over a foundation crack that existed as long as you have been alive. After all, it is your foundation. Truth Being Bondage is a memoir based on the uncovering of a repressed memory and how it impacted life from childhood to adulthood. Let’s explore family dynamics between mother, father and everyone in between. Sometimes it is the adults who want to play make believe.

What can come of dredging up our past? Hopefully, a gem of information. It only takes one event to throw everything off course. There was trauma and a brokenness that went unaddressed, ignored and contained as if it did not exist. It had no time or place to heal.

In life, you can be considered difficult when you ask too many questions. Down this path, I explore my thoughts and actions at the time. Let’s go there and shine a light on the dark areas where our sensibilities may lack.


Truth Being Bondage: A Memoir is available on sale tomorrow July 20, 2021. Please purchase and feel free to leave a review. Thank you for your support!