This book almost came into existence under a few other names. Just when I thought I had the name ready, the title of the book chose me. For some reason, I kept hearing what sounded like, ‘Truth be in bondage’. I agreed, ‘sure do’. Growing up with parents originating from the south, it sounded quite alright to me. However, I knew good and well that was so far off and grammatically incorrect. But I just kept hearing it.


I gave in and decided to make Truth be in bondage a chapter, even before I knew exactly what would go in this chapter. These words kept ringing. I knew that it had a greater purpose. Is a chapter even sufficient enough to express these words? Once I broke down the meaning, it basically described the reason overall for the book itself.


Finally the words ‘be’ and ‘in’ came to fuse together to become ‘being’. It made sense and rang together better. That is how I came to title the book ‘Truth Being Bondage’. This was it! I had my final title! Funny enough, the title still may be slightly grammatically incorrect. This quirk creates a curious tone. A person would want to learn more in my opinion.


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